
Sfere, ki so praktično najpogostejša oblika v vesolju in so jih kot simbol sprejele številne kulture, mitologije in religije. Globok pomen tega predmeta spremlja človeško vrsto od začetka zavesti. Upodobljen je bil tudi v neštetih umetniških delih … od slik do skulptur, od pesmi do starodavnih scenarijev vse do filmov, sfera je bila in je še vedno eden glavnih motorjev domišljije. S svojim neskončnim stanjem, s stališčem “Kar gre okoli, pride okoli”, ki je odličen primer za vesoljske portale ali črne luknje, je to naš zvesti spremljevalec od začetka do konca življenja in morda celo dlje. Torej, kako lahko postaneš imun na to? Enostavno ne moreš! Vsaj jaz nisem zmogla! Ta čarobna oblika je bila navdih za ogromno zbirko mojih del, zdaj je minilo že več kot desetletje, odkar sem jo začela uporabljati, in mi je počasi zlezla pod kožo ter postala središče neštetih slik. Vabljeni, da si ogledate nekaj primerov v galeriji …. in za vas imam majhen namig …. Poskusite pogledati globoko v umetnine, pustite, da vaše fantazije letijo skozi moje oblike, začutite globino, začutite vesolje, bodite sanjač in razumeli boste mojo fiksacijo z Obliko Eolov. Sfera!


Ste Navdihnjeni?

Vas zanima nakup umetnine iz Verenine zbirke ali potrebujete umetniško delo po meri? Vabimo vas, da izpolnite spodnji kratek obrazec, nam sporočite svoje osnovne zahteve ali ime želene slike. Javili se vam bomo čim prej.


The Spheres

Spheres, practically the most common shape in the universe and taken as symbol by many cultures, mythologies and religions. The deep significance of this object accompanies the human kind since the beginning of consciousness. It was depicted in countless works of art too… from paintings to sculptures, from poems to ancient scripts all the way to the movies, the sphere was and still is one of the main engines of imagination. With its state of infinity, with the “What goes around, comes around” attitude, used as the perfect example for space portals or black holes this from is our loyal companion from the begging up to the end of life and perhaps even beyond. So, how can you become immune to it? You just can’t! A least I couldn’t! This magical shape was the inspiration of a huge collection of my works, it’s now more than a decade since I started using it and it slowly carved its way under my skin becoming the center piece of countless of my paintings. Be welcome to check out a few examples in the gallery…. and I have a small hint for you too…. Try to look deep in to the art, let your fantasies fly through my shapes, feel the depth, feel the space, be a dreamer and you’ll understand my fixation with The Shape of the Ages. The Sphere!


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Are you interested in acquiring an Artwork from Stipe’s Collection or need a custom artwork? We invite you to fill out the short form below, tell us your basic requirements or the name of the desired painting.  We’ll get in touch as soon as it is possible.

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