Mitska Pernata Bitja

Na eni strani imamo figuro znanega Phoenixa, mitske ptice, ki se dviga iz pepela, na drugi strani imamo nekaj iz stare Grčije, trenutek, ki predstavlja kralja, šefa Olimpa in dekle. Govorimo o Zeusu, nenasitnem bogu, tukaj v obliki elegantnega belega laboda, ki na ne tako nežen način zapelje bodočo kraljico Šparte, Ledo. Mogoče je, da obe sliki nista del istega opusa, vendar jima je skupni predmet ptica. Ptice so bile skozi zgodovino vedno oblika navdiha, Verena pa ni bila izjema, zlasti Feniks in Zeus/Labod, obe zgodbi polni smisla in življenjskih lekcij.


Ste Navdihnjeni?

Vas zanima nakup umetnine iz Verenine zbirke ali potrebujete umetniško delo po meri? Vabimo vas, da izpolnite spodnji kratek obrazec, nam sporočite svoje osnovne zahteve ali ime želene slike.


Mythical Feathered Creatures

On one hand we have a figure of the well known Phoenix, the mythical bird, which rises out of the ashes, on the other hand we have something from ancient Greece, a moment representing the king, the boss of the Olympus and a girl. We are talking about Zeus, the insatiable god, here in the form of an elegant white Swan, seducing in a not-so-gentle way the future queen of Sparta, Leda. It might well be that the two paintings are not part of the same opus, but they have the object of a bird in common. Birds were always a form of inspiration throughout history and Verena Novak was not an exception, especially those two, the Phoenix and the Zeus/swan characters, both stories full of meaning and life lessons.


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