Sculptures in Bronze

by Stipe Miličić

Sculptures in Bronze in Stipe’s art approach amplify the effect of broken stone, giving a form of specific modulation. This way forms become more expressive, more alive. Sculptures become a self Mosaic, pieces that form unity, integrity.

Sulptures in Bronze

by Stipe Miličić

Sculptures in Bronze in Stipe’s art approach amplify the effect of broken stone, giving a form of specific modulation. This way forms become more expressive, more alive. Sculptures become a self Mosaic, pieces that form unity, integrity.


A Quick Story About the Man Behind the Chisel

After twenty years of research work in pharmaceutical industry, Stipe Miličić, PhD in Chemistry, found his fulfilment in sculpting. He followed his childhood dreams and turned them into the mission of his life saying: “Who can make your childhood dreams come true if not you yourself? Realizing them offers ultimate satisfaction and transforms your life and work into a child’s play in the sandpit.”


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